Coaching & training for organisations

HR & Management


In one-on-one coaching sesions we will work on (intercultural or non-intercultural) life or career goals.

Examples of intercultural coaching goals:

  • Get expats, who suffer from the pitfalls of migration, like culture shock, loneliness and homesickness, back on track again so they can deliver the results they were hired for.
  • Boost confidence in interculturally challenging situations (e.g. being a female employee in a masculine cultural environment).
  • Personal growth for managers of multicultural teams, so they can be a better leader.

Examples of non- intercultural coaching goals:

  • Figure out what would be a good next (international) career step.
  • Work on insecurity issues, so the employee is more relaxed and confident and less vulnerable for a burn-out.
  • Become more confident, so it is easier to be succesful.
  • Know what the employee wants in his/ her life, so he/ she will be more happy.

Results of coaching:

  • Your employees feel happier and more confident.
  • Your employees will enrich their lives by getting to know their true potential.
  • Your employees are proud of themselves for actively taking control over their own life.


Intercultural training is done using the CultureConnector Assessment. This assessment gives a personalised report about the cultural differences and similarities of your employees’ cultural profile and the cultural profile of the cultures they are interacting with. Cultural comparison is based on 12 key areas.

When working in an international and intercultural environment, becoming interculturally savvy means the difference between success or failure and therefore is a crucial life skill!

After the intercultural training your employees will:

  • Have a deep understanding about both their home culture and the cultures they are interacting with.
  • Know how to communicate effectively between cultures.
  • Feel more confident interacting with different cultures, which stimulates inclusion.
  • By learning about their own culture, they will have a better understanding of their own drivers as well.

Why Happy Around the Globe

My coaching & training style is unique since I combine effective coaching and training techniques with intercultural awareness. I am positive and goal-oriented and this leads to quick results.

I have extensive knowledge about cultural differences and therefore I am the right person to turn to with goals related to an international lifestyle.

I am a member of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) and the NOBCO (The Dutch Coaching Council) and I am a Certified Intercultural Trainer for Argonaut’s Culture Connector Assessment. I have extensive hands-on intercultural experience, since I have lived in 5 foreign countries myself.

For inquiries, please contact me via or call me.

For inquiries, please contact me via or call me.